Some free advice to new attorneys… and large litigation firms: do not be sloppy.
Even in the day of electronic filings and virtual court appearances, proper notice of a Motion is essential when moving a court. Here is one of my Queens County cases where a bank and its attorneys moved to amend its deficient pleadings (after we raised the deficiencies), because the original Complaint failed to include material facts (allegedly). Ironically, the moving papers (filed to resolve the issues with the original pleadings), suck even more than the original pleadings. Thankfully, the Honorable Justice Muir (whose courtroom is in Long Island City ((and not Jamaica))), took note of this and denied the bank’s Motion in its entirety without us having to lift a finger.

As explained in the Court’s Short Form Order, the bank and its attorneys failed to give proper notice of the address of the courthouse (room and part), and also failed to give notice to all parties (Social Services). Accordingly, the bank’s Motion to amend its deficient Complaint was denied in its entirety. What a failure.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!