I received this awkward correspondence from someone asking to work for me on a fee-based system. Thanks, but no thanks.
Perhaps you should remind the firm that you’re currently working for of Rule 5.4 of the Rules of Professional Conduct, which clearly states that a lawyer shall not share legal fees or form a partnership with a nonlawyer. I’ve already had a few of your former clients contact me complaining about your company’s services. I’m good. I don’t need to scam people into retaining my legitimate legal services. I’ve also worked too hard in life to form a partnership with scammers like yourself.

See (hear) below – a voicemail message a client of mine received yesterday from some bum claiming to be working “in conjunction with SPS (Select Portfolio Servicing)….”
Actually, false. Foreclosure actions are public record, you see this and want to scam people into retaining your nonlegal services, which then, you refer to a lawyer (most likely an incompetent one) to assist… in exchange for a fee… which is unethical.
I’m good.