New Administrative Order (AO/131/20) establishing temporary foreclosure procedures effective June 24, 2020.
Until otherwise ordered, commencement papers in commercial and residential foreclosure proceedings are required to include two (2) additional documents: (i) an attorney affirmation indicating that counsel has reviewed all applicable law and believes in good faith that the proceeding is consistent with all restrictions and qualifications; and (ii) a form notice to defendants (in English and Spanish), informing them that they may be eligible for an extension of time to respond to the Complaint in light of legal directives related to COVID-19.
Matters in which all parties are represented by counsel shall be eligible for calendaring for virtual settlement conferences.
Additionally, Judges will not entertain any Motions unless it is to discontinue a pending matter or concerns property that is vacant and abandoned.
Please review Judge Marks’ Memorandum and AO/131/20 for all temporary changes affecting foreclosure actions.